Our insurance recognizes four different certifications, but your lock does not necessarily need to be certified with all four; one out of four is enough. Here are those certifications:
- Sold Secure Silver (or higher);
- ABUS security level 10 (or higher);
- ART 2 (or higher);
- FUB 2 wheels (or higher) - in French;
- VdS A+ or B+ ;
- Onguard ;
- SRA.
If you want to know about a specific lock, you can either:
Cick on the links above to search for it; or
Look for the logo of one of the above-mentioned certifications on the website of the brand of your lock; or
Look for the logo of one of the above-mentioned certifications on the packaging of your lock; or
Ask the representative(s) of the shop where you bought your lock.